Friday, December 9, 2016

Mens sana in corpore sano

Diving Queen 吴敏霞 (Wú Mǐnxiá) was today awarded the 時尚健康 (Trends Health) Health Model Award in the context of the 三亚 (Sānyà) International Fashion Week held in 三亚 (Sānyà), 海南省 (Hǎinán Island), China. Her betrothed husband 張效誠 (Zhāng Xiàochéng) accompanied her all the time. Photo:

Furthermore, apart from 吴敏霞 (Wú Mǐnxiá) and 張效誠 (Zhāng Xiàochéng), the 時尚健康 (Trends Health) award ceremony (and party) involved many entertainment and music celebrities such as 马可 (Mǎ Kě), 郁可唯 (Yù Kěwéi), 陈意涵 (Chén Yìhán), and 王菲菲 (Wáng Fēifēi). Photos:

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