Tuesday, December 20, 2016

The Language of the Heart

Arcovazzi came out of the marital room naked believing he surprised a thief! But suddenly he realized that there was no one but himself reflected in the mirror. Then he came back to bed but he could no longer sleep as he thought that meanwhile he was hunting the imaginary thief, his Dormant Beauty could have took the chance to kiss quickly a non-imaginary lover before he jumped out the window. And history goes on, repeating itself every day. But are you still curious about what comes next for you? Come on, don’t waste more time there, and jump high on the Associazione Culturale “Il Delta della Luna”’s carpet-moon!

Cuban legendary prima ballerina assoluta Alicia Alonso elaborated her own theory of dance, in the conviction it was both the most basic and the most sophisticated art form. “First we had movement, then language, then music, then dance”, she said. “But dance is movement. An animal expresses itself in its movement. I have never known a person to talk all evening without movement”. Photo: scene4.com.

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