Monday, January 16, 2017

My Sweet Lord

Wesley So – Richárd Rapport
79th Tata Steel Chess Tournament; Wijk aan Zee, January 16, 2017
Queen’s Indian Defence E18

1. Nf3 Nf6 2. g3 b6 3. d4 Bb7 4. c4 e6 5. Bg2 Be7 6. 0-0 0-0 7. Nc3 Ne4 8. Bd2 Bf6 9. Rc1 Nxd2 10. Qxd2 d6 11. d5 e5 12. e4 Nd7 13. h4 a5 14. Bh3 Nc5 15. Kg2 Bc8. Strangely enough, it’s a theoretical duel, even if White’s position reflects something ungainly and unnatural. 16. Rh1!? It won’t result in significant improvement over 16. Bxc8 Qxc8 17. Qe2 Be7 18. Nd2 Nd7 19. Rh1 Nf6 20. Nf1 h5 21. Ne3 g6 22. Rcg1 Kg7 23. Kf1 Rh8 24. Ke1 Qd7 25. Kd1 Kg8 26. f3 Bf8 27. g4 Rh7 28. Kc2 Be7 29. Rg2 Qd8 30. Kb1 Kh8 31. Nf1 Nd7 32. Rgh2 Kg7 33. Rh3 hxg4 34. fxg4 Rxh4 35. Rxh4 Bxh4 36. Qh2 Bg5 37. Qh7+ Kf8 38. Nh2 Qf6 39. Rf1 Bf4 40. Nf3 Ke7 41. Rh1 Bg3 42. Nd2 Qf4 43. Qh3 Nf6 44. Qg2 Qxg4 45. Ne2 Bf4 46. Nxf4 exf4 47. Qf1 Nh5 48. Qd3 Kf8 49. a3 Re8 50. Ka2 Kg7 51. Nf3 Nf6 52. Re1 Nd7 53. Qc3+ Ne5 54. Rf1 Qh3 55. Qc1 Nxf3 56. Qc3+ f6 57. Rxf3 Qg4 58. Qd3 Rh8 0 : 1 Tomashevsky – Ponomariov, 42nd Chess Olympiad, Baku 2016. 16. ... Bxh3+ 17. Rxh3 Qd7 18. Nh2 h5 19. f3 g6 20. g4 Kh7 21. Rh1 Rg8 22. Qd1 Bg7 23. Nf1 Bh6 24. Kf2

24. ... Bc1! “Amazing how Richard Rapport manages to produce a tactical trick with his only two (mildly) active pieces!”, Grandmaster Nigel David Short said. 25. Ng3 Bxb2 26. Nb5 Bc1! On the road again. 27. gxh5 Bf4! 28. Nc3 f5! White’s situation is a nightmare. Rapport’s Pawn sacrifice announces the start of the assault. 29. hxg6+ Rxg6 30. Nxf5 Rag8 31. Kf1 b5! Big bang disruption. Only the faith in the Lord can give Wesley reason for hope. 32. cxb5. Also 32. Nxb5 is met by 32. ... Rg2 eventually followed by ... Rg2-d2 and ... Rg8-g2. 32... Rg2 33. Qb1. Wesley had no choice, for after 33. Ne2 Qxb5 Black wins very easily. 33. ... Qf7?? Here is where Rapport’s melodramatic cupio dissolvi begins and ends as well. After 33. ... Rd2! 34. Rg1 Rxg1+ 35. Kxg1 Qe8 Black’s attack would have been overwhelming. 34. Ne2! Qg6?? With tragic consistency Rapport accomplishes his suicide mission. Comparatively best was 34. ... c6!!∞ with some chances to play for the initiative. 35. Ne7! Now White is simply winning. 35. ... Rf2+!? A last ditch try, but not grounded enough to worry So. 36. Kxf2 Qg2+ 37. Ke1 Rg3 38. Rxg3 Qxh1+ 39. Rg1 Qxf3 40. Nxf4 Qe3+ 41. Ne2 Nd3+. Black gains Her Majesty’s crown but not the Queen’s heart. 42. Qxd3! Qxd3 43. Ng8! Qf3 44. h5! Kh8 45. Rg6! Qh1+ 46. Kd2 Qxe4 47. Nf6 Qb4+ 48. Ke3 1 : 0. “Wesley So rose from the dead today”, Short said.

Wesley So vs. Richárd Rapport
Photo: Tata Steel Chess (Facebook)

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