Sunday, January 8, 2017

The Rock Cycle

Mariya Muzychuk won’t go Iran – her sister Anna instead will go. But before of that, both of them will play in Gibraltar. For further information, see

In an interview with Eugene Kuzmenko for, former Women’s World Chess Champion Mariya Muzychuk officialized her refusal to take part in the next Knockout Women’s World Chess Championship Tournament, which will be held in Tehran, Iran from 10 February to 5 March 2017. Unlike her sister Anna, who instead will play, she decided to join the current U.S. Women’s Chess Champion Nazí Paikidze in her fight against wearing the hijab. Strangely enough though, no one – neither women nor their male colleagues – complain about the inequality of men’s and women’s World Chess Championship systems, which constitutes a clear and flagrant case of gender discrimination.
Whatever it is, the good news for both Anna and Mariya is that they will participate in the 15th Tradewise Gibraltar Chess Festival to be held in Catalan Bay, Gibraltar from 24 January to 2 February 2017.

Mariya Muzychuk
Photo: Yurko Dyachyshyn/

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