Friday, February 17, 2017

Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress

Nataliya Buksa – Sopiko Guramishvili
Knockout Women’s World Chess Championship Tournament; tie-break game 4 (10+10); Tehran, February 16, 2017
8/8/8/8/6nk/1r6/R5K1/8 w - - 54 121

Position after 120. ... Rc3-b3

The dramatic playoff victory of Guramishvili against Buksa demonstrates once more that the “tie-break” system (and its time limit as well) may perhaps serve to increase bets, but surely cannot produce any objective assessment of two players’ value. In the position of the diagram the game is theoretically drawn, and even if this were a “beauty contest” the most fair outcome would be an ex aequo. But since the show must go on, one Queen will have to give up the board. 121. Ra4 Rd3 122. Ra2 Rg3+ 123. Kf1 Ne3+ 124. Ke1 Rg1+ 125. Kf2 Rg2+ 126. Kxe3?? And Nataliya sadly surrenders to the merciless roulette. Correct was 126. Ke1! as 126. ... Rxa2 produces stalemate. 16. ... Rxa2 0 : 1. As usual for David Llada’s pictures from Teheran, visit his Facebook account.

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