Tuesday, February 28, 2017

People Help The People

“Muzychuk played the opening in unusual style and adopted a most solid approach. We weren’t prepared, but somehow she, too – and 谭中怡 (Tán Zhōngyí) succeeded in taking her opponent by surprise obtaining a slight edge. Then Anna committed a clear error at the 12th move, and her position became passive. Afterwards 谭中怡 (Tán Zhōngyí) gradually and slowly increased the pressure until she achieved a clear advantage which she eventually converted into a win”, the head coach of the Chinese women's team Grandmaster 余少腾 (Yú Shǎoténg) told sina.sports.com.cn.
On the other hand, 谭中怡 (Tán Zhōngyí) appeared well aware that... tomorrow is another day. “I think that Anna felt psychological pressure and she did not play at her usual standard. Tomorrow it will be a crucial test. I hope I will be able to withstand it”, she said

余少腾 (Yú Shǎoténg)
Photo: sports.sohu.com

The Ukrainian delegation made no comment on today’s result, but Muzychuk immediately received the passionate support of her countrypeople, who, undoubtedly, will give her inspiration and strength.

“From Odessa, I support Anna Muzichuk in the Knockout Women’s World Chess Championship Tournament and women’s rights in Iran”, Grandmaster Mikhail Vladimirovich Golubev wrote.

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