Thursday, February 23, 2017

Raising the Flag
Defence minister says model will allow re-enactment of Red Army’s capture of Berlin in 1945 — a patriotic rallying point for Putin

The Russian defence ministry is constructing a replica of the Reichstag at a military theme park on the outskirts of Moscow, to allow patriotic Russian children to recreate the storming of the building during the Soviet capture of Berlin in 1945. [Read more].
Raising a flag over the Reichstag is a historic World War II picture, taken by Yevgeny Anan’evich Khaldei during the Battle of Berlin on 2 May 1945. It shows Meliton Varlamis dze Kantaria and Mikhail Alekseevich Yegorov raising the flag of the Soviet Union atop the Reichstag building. The picture was reprinted in thousands of publications and came to be regarded around the world as a symbol of the Soviet victory over nazi-fascism. Photo: SVF2/UIG/Getty Images.

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