Tuesday, February 14, 2017

The g-Pawn

诸宸 (Zhū Chén) – 居文君 (Jū Wénjūn)
Women’s World Chess Championship Knockout Tournament; match game 1; Tehran, February 14, 2017
Nimzo-Indian Defence E27

1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e6 3. Nc3 Bb4 4. f3 d5 5. a3 Bxc3+ 6. bxc3 0-0 7. cxd5 exd5 8. e3 Nh5

9. g4?? 9th Women’s World Chess Champion 诸宸 (Zhū Chén) makes the world aware of her adhesion to the current Women’s World Chess Champion 侯逸凡 (Hóu Yìfán)’s Manifesto, and like her countrywoman, she delivers to the g-Pawn the divine message. 9. ... Qh4+ 10. Kd2 Ng3. White can resign. What follows now is to understand why you have to write the moves down on the scoresheet. 11. Qe1 Nxf1+ 12. Qxf1 f5 13. gxf5 Bxf5 14. c4 c5 15. Bb2 cxd4 16. Bxd4 Nc6 17. Ne2 dxc4 18. Qg2 Bg6 19. Rac1 b5 20. f4 Nxd4 21. Nxd4 Rad8 22. Rhf1 Qf6 23. Qg1 Qa6 24. Rc3 b4 25. axb4 Qa2+ 26. Kd1 Qb1+ 0 : 1.

诸宸 (Zhū Chén) vs. 居文君 (Jū Wénjūn). Photo: David Llada (‏@davidllada).

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