Thursday, March 9, 2017

Lonely But Not Alone

Anna Olehivna Muzychuk: “The Women’s World Chess Championship Knockout Tournament in Tehran has been the most problematic of all”. For further details, visit:

Finally back home in Lviv, Ukraine, Vice Women’s World Chess Champion Anna Olehivna Muzychuk lamented her restless month in Tehran, Iran. “Being alone in Iran is not easy”, she told “I had to solve any problem on my own”. Starting with logistics. She had neither time nor way of visiting the city, except for the last day when she finally got out of the hotel to meet the Ukrainian Ambassador in Iran in his residence. Then other trivial problems confronted her. The hotel was too noisy due to constant works in progress. The venue of play was abnormally hot. And finally, the last and most significant burden: “I was without a coach. I had nobody, and no help. No support and no assistance, neither for chess nor for daily life. By comparison, my Chinese opponent could enjoy a coach, an interpreter, and a support group. No wonder she was more balanced than me”.

Muzychuk family staged a triumphal welcome for Anna Olehivna at Lviv Danylo Halytskyi International Airport on March 4, 2017. Her sister Mariya Olehivna — at present still the only Women’s World Chess Champion in the genealogical family tree — proudly stands beside her. Photo: Oksana Vatseba.

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