Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Peter and the Starcatchers


如何瞬間 凍結時間
也許已經 沒有明天

漂浮在 一片無奈


我沒想到 為了你 我能瘋狂到
山崩海嘯 沒有你 根本不想逃
我的大腦 為了你 已經瘋狂到
脈搏心跳 沒有你 根本不重要

足夠抵擋 天旋地轉
足以點燃 所有希望

顛簸 卻如此忘我


我沒想到 為了你 我能瘋狂到
山崩海嘯 沒有你 根本不想逃
我的大腦 為了你 已經瘋狂到
脈搏心跳 沒有你 根本不重要

也許航道以外 是醒不來的夢
亂世以外 是純粹的相擁

我沒想到 為了你 我能瘋狂到
山崩海嘯 沒有你 根本不想逃
我的大腦 為了你 已經瘋狂到
脈搏心跳 沒有你 根本不重要

相遇亂世以外 危難中相愛
相遇亂世以外 危難中相愛

Light Years Away

Feelings stuck on my fingertips
Time as frozen in an instant
Look now into my steady eyes
As there may be no tomorrow

In the universe of stars
We are tiny as dust
Floating in helplessness

Fate met us both out of the troubled world
Fate make us fall in love over any anguish
Perhaps far beyond light years away
I would stay in the unknown waiting for you

I did not know that I was so crazy for you
Even if it were a storm or an avalanche
I wouldn’t escape without you
I am so much crazy for you
That my heart would stop beating without you

The arms that embrace my chest
Are powerful enough to withstand any turmoil
The relentless stubbornness
May give light to any hope

The universe is a lifeless infinity
Our love is nothing but shines
And sparkles from the love itself

Fate met us both out of the troubled world
Fate make us fall in love over any anguish
Perhaps far beyond light years away
I would stay in the unknown waiting for you

I did not know that I was so crazy for you
Even if it were a storm or an avalanche
I wouldn’t escape without you
I am so much crazy for you
That my heart would stop beating without you

Perhaps it’s only an everlasting dream
Which lives out of the world

I did not know that I was so crazy for you
Even if it were a storm or an avalanche
I wouldn’t escape without you
I am so much crazy for you
That my heart would stop beating without you

We met out of the troubled world and fell in love over any anguish
We met out of the troubled world and fell in love over any anguish

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