Thursday, March 23, 2017

The Hasty Heart

Finally, also 16th World Chess Champion Magnus Carlsen (pictured above) announced his romance, even if not directly, but through his colourful army of spokesmen, including, first of all, his manager Espen Agdestein who indeed told Dagbladet that his protégée eventually met his soulmate. For his part, Magnus unveiled, through his Facebook profile, both the name and the age of the lucky one: Synne Christin Larsen (pictured above), 22, with whom, apparently, all started on Valentine’s Day, last February 14. From 15 to 22 April Magnus will took part in the 4th GRENKE Chess Classic in Karlsruhe and Baden-Baden, Germany, so we wish to remind him of an old proverb: “Lucky at play, unlucky in love”. Photo: NTB scanpix/Kolbjørn Hoseth Larssen.

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