Friday, March 24, 2017

The Suicide Club

Musunuri Lalith Babu – Kantholi Rathnakaran
1st Sharjah Masters International Chess Championship; Sharjah, March 24, 2017
4r2k/1p4bp/p2p2p1/3P4/P4p2/1P3Q1P/3qNPP1/2R3K1 w - - 3 28

Position after 27. ... Rf8-e8

White’s position is just a little uncomfortable, as his pieces appear quite clumsy, and you would expect something like 28. Kf1 Kg8 with Black keeping the initiative himself. But no! 28. Rc4?? It is really an awful oversight. White thought he had time for a Rook lift along the 4th rank (thus attacking the f4-Pawn), without fearing for his Knight, as after 28. ... Qxe2? 29. Qxe2 Rxe2 30. Rc8+ Bf8 31. Rxf8+ Kg7 32. Rxf4 White would regain the piece with a Pawm ahead, while 28. ... Rxe2?? 29. Rc8+ Bf8 30. Rxf8+ Kg7 31. Rxf4 would expose Black to the worst and foreseeable consequences. It seemed everything alright, but Lalith has just overlooked something trivial: 28. ... Qe1+! 29. Kh2 Rxe2 0 : 1. For now Black can answer 30. Rc8+ by 30. ... Re8 remaining with a clear piece ahead.

Musunuri Lalith Babu
Photo: Maria Alekseevna Emelianova

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