Wednesday, July 12, 2017


After (or before) 刘晓波 (Liú Xiǎobō), terminally ill with liver cancer, who is denied even the right to die with dignity, another “enemy of the state” contracted the same illness in the Chinese jails: the unforgotten Communist Party Secretary of 重庆 (Chóngqìng) 薄熙来 (Bó Xīlái), whom a kangaroo court doomed for eternity to expiate his only guilt of being far more worthy and morally deserving than his great rival and enemy 习近平 (Xí Jìnpíng). Apparently now 薄熙来 (Bó Xīlái) would be under treatment on 棒棰岛 (Bàngchuí Island) near 大连 (Dàlián), 辽宁省 (Liáoníng province), China, but it’s clear that his life is seriously at risk, not only due to tumor progression.
薄熙来 (Bó Xīlái)’s second son, 薄瓜瓜 (Bó Guāguā), lives now in the United States and could undoubtedly provide medical care to his father there. 习近平 (Xí Jìnpíng) should think about it. He wanted power at all costs, he eliminated everything and everyone that could overshadow him, so maybe he can (and should) leave his “enemies” the freedom to die where they please. Or he – and his lackeys – will hopefully pay the political price.

薄熙来 (Bó Xīlái). Photo:

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