Thursday, July 20, 2017

Finding Princess Yuna

There is just no good news for Italy as Elena Bertocchi did not pass even the preliminary of women’s 3m springboard World Championship in Duna Aréna in Budapest, which semifinal was dominated by 施廷懋 (Shī Tíngmào) and 王涵 (Wáng Hán) in a magic day for China, which celebrates 谢思埸 (Xiè Sīyì)’s triumphal win in the men’s 3m springboard final. Winnie-the-Pooh didn’t find the courage to make this day even more memorable (at least for me), but don’t be too severe with him: Disney simply didn’t give him his permission to be more intelligent than what he is. I’m sorry, I can say anything else.

施廷懋 (Shī Tíngmào)

谢思埸 (Xiè Sīyì)

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