Friday, August 18, 2017

Take Five Minutes

Garry Kimovich Kasparov – Leinier Domínguez Pérez
Saint Louis Rapid & Blitz Grand Chess Tour 2017; Saint Louis, August 17, 2017
8/1p6/p1p1Nk2/P2p1Pp1/1P1Kn1P1/2P5/8/8 w - - 23 54

Position after 53. ... Nd6-e4

The first day of the blitz challenge in Saint Louis was everything but easy for Kasparov who, although his romanticized opening repertoire, left on the field several half points, which was always due to his emotional time management. His only day’s win came from a Four Knight ending (but with only two Knights left on the board), which, after ups and downs on the edge of time, he finally managed to convert into victory. 54. Nd8!? Nd6? Domínguez Pérez plays by inertia for a draw, thus falling in big trouble. It would seem that after 54. ... Nf2! 55. Nxb7 Nxg4 56. Nc5 Nh6 Black may actually draw without too much difficulty. 55. Kc5! Ne4+ 56. Kb6! Nxc3 57. Nxb7? Side effects of blitz! Stockfish gives 57. Ne6 Na2 58. Kxb7 Nxb4 59. Kb6 Ke5 60. Nxg5 d4 61. Nf3+ Ke4 62. Nd2+! (I like very much 62. f6? Nd5+ 63. Kxa6 Kxf6 64. Nxd4!! Kxd4 65. Kb7, but after 65. ... Nd7 66. Kc7 Nc5 67. Kd6! Nb7+ 68. Ke6 Nxa5 69. g5 c5 70. g6 c4 71. g7 c3 72 g8=Q c2 White gets only a book draw!) 62. ... Kd3 63. Kc5! Kxd2 64. Kxd4! Nd3 65. g5 and apparently the Black Knight cannot stop all White’s Pawns. 57. ... Na2? Black immediately returns the courtesy. Correct was 57. ... Ne4! as after 58. Nc5 Nxc5 59. Kxc5 Kf7! 60. Kxc6 d4 61. b5 d3 the ensuing Queen ending is very drawish. 58. Kxa6 Nxb4+. Or 58. ... d4 59. Kb6 d3 60. Nc5 Nxb4 61. Nxd3! transposing into the game. 59. Kb6 d4 60. Nc5 d3 61. Nxd3! Nxd3 62. a6 1 : 0.

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