Wednesday, August 2, 2017

The answer is blowin’ in the wind
After the purge in 重庆 (Chóngqìng), China, where the municipality’s Communist Party Secretary 孙政才 (Sūn Zhèngcái) was removed and put under investigation for not being able to overshadow the red aura of his predecessor 薄熙来 (Bó Xīlái) – who was purged in 2012 and sentenced to life in 2013 on political charges – now in 大连 (Dàlián), too, the situation became incandescent. The order came from 北京 (Běijīng): 大连 (Dàlián) must be “purified” from the poison of 薄熙来 (Bó Xīlái). That doesn’t mean anything good as – according to indiscretions which cannot be checked – 薄熙来 (Bó Xīlái) has been recently transferred from the 秦城监狱 (Qínchéng Prison) to 棒棰岛 (Bàngchuí Island) – one of the islands surrounding 大连 (Dàlián) – to be treated for liver cancer. The name that most immediately comes to mind is, of course, 刘晓波 (Liú Xiǎobō). It’s not the same story, but it is the same illness – and most likely the same treatment.
As Dylan would say, “Yes, ’n’ how many times can a man turn his head / And pretend that he just doesn’t see”.

薄熙来 (Bó Xīlái)

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