Sunday, October 29, 2017

Standard time

So our Senegalese friend Goumbala Mbacké Serigne succeeded in being just in time at Calenzano Carrefour bus station, from where, in the early afternoon, he would have taken a bus to Bologna, then another bus ride to Bologna Airport, for finally flying Dakar (home), Senegal via Casablanca, Marocco. I think punctuality was a miracle, and if not for Alessandra, maybe we wouldn't have done it. In fact, we set an appointment at half past eight in the morning, but last night’s standard time synchronisation made me wake up too early, and furthermore, high fever reduced my lucidity. It was a long journey from Via del Mezzetta’s Post Office parking lot to Osmannoro and Campi Bisenzio, in the suburbs of Florence. All Goumbala’s luggage and old suitcases were stored somewhere out there in an underground garage. Any of the arrivals and departures of the extracomunitari (Chinese and North Africans as well) are strictly handled by Italian and Chinese people. And you must pay. For everything. The key to close the garage and open the gate, scotch tape, scissors, pens. Our friend took up his luggage and changed his clothes there, wearing a Senegal’s traditional dress. Then, somehow, we managed to find the Calenzano Carrefour bus stop.
We hope you may have good luck with your family, Goumbala, and hope to see you again pretty soon!

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