Monday, October 30, 2017

The Other Way Around

Dragana Nikolovska – Marina Brunello
12th European Women’s Team Chess Championship; Hersonissos, October 30, 2017
2r3k1/2q2pb1/p2p2p1/1prP4/6PQ/2PB1P2/PP6/1K1R3R b - g3 0 26

Position after 26. g2-g4

In a Dragon-like position (but no, it wasn’t a Dragon!), Marina Brunello, having already gained a great time advantage over Nikolovska, goes to win back her previously sacrificed Pawn in the most favourable circumstances: 26. ... Rxc3! 27. Be4? Not 27. bxc3?? Qxc3 and White can resign, but the text is hardly much better! White should have played 27. Qh7+ Kf8 28. Qh2 at once. 27. ... Rc4? Here 27. ... Rc2! would have won right off. We can only guess that Brunello were playing on time, in order to speculate on her opponent’s grave time trouble. 28. Qh7+ Kf8 29. Qh2 Qe7. Now Black must start all over again, even though luckily enough she retained at least the initiative. The text, among other things, prepares for ... Qe7-f6. 30. Rc1 Rd8!? This is a strange move that somehow works. 31. Rxc4? And now Nikolovska, with only a minute left, ends up exchanging Rooks at the worst price possible! 31. ... bxc4. Well, that’s because it was the worst possible price. The opening of the b-file suddenly gives Black an irresistible attack, which Brunello concludes in style: 32. Qc2 Rb8! 33. b3 Qe5 34. Kc1 a5 35. Rh2 a4 36. Re2 axb3 37. axb3 Bh6+ 38. Kb1 Rxb3+ 39. Ka2 Qd4 (Δ ... Qd4-a7 mate) 40. Qxb3 cxb3+ 41. Kxb3 f5 42. gxf5 gxf5 0 : 1.

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