Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Blind Spot

Evgeny Yurievich Tomashevsky – Teimour Boris oghlu Radjabovv
Grand Prix 2017; fourth stage; Palma de Mallorca, November 22, 2017
8/1p2b1r1/p6k/P2Bp2p/1P2P2P/5KP1/2R5/8 w - - 3 56

Position after 55. ... Bd8-e7

Meanwhile, Teimour Boris oghlu Radjabov sadly leaves the scene of the Candidates. The most he achieved today (against Evgeny Yurievich Tomashevsky) was a bad ending a Pawn down, which, however, did not seem winnable by default by his opponent. 56. Rb2 Bd8 57. Rb3 b6?? But after this horrific blunder everything becomes easy for White: 58. b5! 1 : 0. For after 58. ... axb5 59. a6 Ra7 60. Bb7 Black would be virtually a Rook down.

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