Friday, November 10, 2017

It’s amazing what chocolate can do!
Mariya Olehivna Muzychuk didn’t take part in the European Women’s Team Chess Championship because of the unpaid debts of the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine

The renowned Ukrainian chess player Mariya Olehivna Muzychuk didn’t take part in the European Women’s Team Chess Championship because of the unpaid debts of the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine.

Thus spoke Natalia Muzychuk, Mariya Olehivna’s mother and manager, at a press conference held on November 9.

“The Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine has a debt to Mariya Olehivna for the Women’s World Chess Championship match she played with 侯逸凡 (Hóu Yìfán) of China in Lviv”, says Natalia Muzychuk. “Frankly speaking, we can even close our eyes on the debt, but we’d like to encourage a different attitude towards us. Whereas other sports, not as prestigious for Ukraine’s image as chess, earn much respect from officials and institutions, well, the situation is clearly not good for chess. Mariya Olehivna will continue to represent the national team of Ukraine, but we want our players to be given the right conditions for training. Unfortunately, our players usually go abroad for competitions at their own expense. For example, when Anna Olehivna flew to Iran for the Knockout Women’s World Chess Championship Tournament, she had to buy her only way ticket and then pay one day at a time. Unfortunately, for all the 25 days Anna Olehivna spent there, no one ever called her from the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine. In any other country, for such an attitude towards a country’s top athlete, the Minister of Sports would give his resignation. Another complication is that the Ministry throws all responsibilities on the Ukrainian Chess Federation, and the Federation in turn gives all the blame to the Ministry. And that’s enough, regardless of the fact that Mariya Olehivna traveled on her own for the Knockout Women’s World Chess Championship Tournament in Krasnaya Polyana, and after victory she received a prize of only ₴25,000 hryven’”, Natalia Muzychuk said.

(Free translation by Nobody’s Perfect)

If nothing else, Mariya Olehivna Muzychuk (pictured third from left) appeared free of charge at Lviv Danylo Halytskyi International Airport on November 7, 2017 just to welcome her sister Anna Olehivna (pictured first from right) coming back from Crete, where the Ukrainian women’s team won bronze medal. Photo:

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