Saturday, December 2, 2017

Half a Day

Carlos García Palermo – Luca Moroni
77th Italian Chess Championship; Cosenza, December 2, 2017
1rr1bnk1/6pp/4pp2/3p4/pb1P4/NqB3PB/1P1QPP1P/R1R3K1 b - - 9 31

Position after 31. Rf1-c1

Black has obtained a clear superiority on the Queenside, and it’s finally time to exploit it: 31. ... Rxc3! This brilliant Exchange pseudo-sac neatly forces the gain of a Pawn, clearing the way for the passed a-Pawn. 32. Rxc3 Bxc3 33. bxc3 Rc8 34. c4? The White c-Pawn was doomed anyway, but this is the worst way to give it up, as now Black will rely on a second passed Pawn. 34. ... dxc4. The rest is very easy: 35. d5 c3 36. Qd3 c2 37. Rc1 Rc3 38. Qd2 Qxa3 39. dxe6 Ng6 40. Rxc2 Rxc2 41. Qxc2 Qb3 0 : 1. The time control is over and García Palermo resigns.

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