Friday, December 29, 2017

Storm in a Teacup

Magnus Carlsen – Ernesto Kazbekovich Inarkiev
King Salman World Blitz Chess Championship; ar-Riyāḍ (Riyadh), December 29, 2017
1r2r3/Rp3ppp/1k6/1B1n4/8/2P2P2/2K3PP/1R6 w - - 2 27

Position after 26. ... Kc6-b6

Today, on the first day of the King Salman World Blitz Chess Championship, Magnus Carlsen literally told the referee to fuck off. Everything started from the position of diagram: Carlsen – who was in a position to win – played 27. Rxb7+, and Inarkiev, as if nothing had happened, replied 27. ... Ne3+ leaving his own King in check. Now Magnus should have stopped the clock and claim the win. But no! Carlsen, on his turn, perhaps to repay Ernesto Kazbekovich in his own coin, played 28. Kd3, after which Inarkiev promptly called the referee claiming illegal move and the win. Quite arbitrarily the arbiter gave Inarkiev the win. And then all hell broke loose, as indeed Carlsen’s move could not be regarded as illegal. Grandmaster Jon Ludvig Nilssen Hammer illustrated the point better than others: “Magnus moved his King when it was in check. Of course he didn’t make an illegal move – it’s not illegal to miss out on claiming a win”. There were many lively exchanges of opinions, but finally the chief arbiter annulled his deputy’s decision and ruled that the game should be continued from the last legal move made (27. Rxb7+). Inarkiev refused and Carlsen was eventually given the win. 1 : 0.

Magnus’s fury. Photo: Ole Kristian Strøm/VG.

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