Sunday, December 3, 2017

Time clock

Désirée Di Benedetto – Elena Sedina
44th Italian Women’s Chess Championship; Cosenza, December 3, 2017
rq5k/3nb1pp/b3p3/1Npp3B/P4P2/1PB1P1rP/1Q4P1/2R2RK1 w - - 11 28

Position after 27. ... Rg6-g3

The position in the diagram shows what can happen when a Benkö Counter-Gambit goes wrong. White to move and win: 28. Rf3! Deflecting the Black Rook. 28. ... Rxf3. Any other move loses as well. 29. Bxg7+ Kg8 30. gxf3 Bxb5 1 : 0. And Black resigns without waiting for 31. Qg2! which would result in too serious heavy losses for her.

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