Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Walls and Bridges

Fatimah Salem A. Baeshen, spokeswoman at Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Washington D.C., United States blamed the lack of formal relations between Saudi Arabia and Israel for the denial of visas to the seven Israeli chess players. “Related to the purported politicization of the International Chess Tournament hosted by Riyadh: the Kingdom has allowed the participation of all citizens. The exception is whereby Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has historically not had diplomatic ties with a specific country – thus has maintained its policy”, she wrote.
Indeed, it seems to me that the Kingdom committed a gross political mistake – and lost a historic chance of distinguishing itself from Trump’s and Netanyahu’s wall-centered politics – in denying visas to seven Israeli individuals who willingly applied to participate, challenging both the lack of formal relations and the resentment of their own government, which, as well, does not entertain formal relations with Saudi Arabia.

Fatimah Salem A. Baeshen
Photo: @FatimahSBaeshen

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