Saturday, January 27, 2018

Under the Stars

No wonder the young stars of Associazione Culturale “Il Delta della Luna” didn’t miss the chance to take a picture together with the special guest Samuel Peron (pictured above) just before performing on the stage of “Le ali della danza”. First row from left: Carolina, Ginevra, Sofia, Aurora, Claudia & Lucrezia; second row from left: Irene & Lavinia. Photo courtesy of Viola Rocchini.

And so on! First row from left: Giulia, Anna, Diana, Federica, Stella, Emma; second row from left: Letizia, Marianna, Chiara, Marta & Carolina. Being so inspired, they danced wonderfully, thanks to the daily work of Alessandra Innocenti, Chiara Angelini & Viola Rocchini, priceless teachers as well as special correspondents of Associazione Culturale “Il Delta della Luna”! Photo courtesy of Viola Rocchini.

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