Saturday, February 17, 2018

A Passage to India

D.V. Sundar, Honorary Secretary of the All India Chess Federation and FIDE Vice President, said that FIDE’s situation is much less serious than perceived by the press’s readers and that Kirsan Nikolayevich Ilyumzhinov continues to be in office. “Normally, as a sports organisation, we don’t get into political things. We see this as a political move and nothing to do with chess federation. The President [Ilyumzhinov] has told us he has done nothing wrong. He has said it is only a political thing. We trust our President. But to safeguard the interest of FIDE, we have asked him not to interfere in financial matters and he has agreed. We have sent that resolution to the bank. He is an elected man and you can’t throw out an elected person”, D.V. Sundar told Vijay Tagore of Mumbai Mirror.

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