Wednesday, February 28, 2018

The Word Within the Words

China’s 中华人民共和国新闻出版总署 (General Administration of Press and Publication) has duly updated the list of sensitive words and expressions banned and/or silenced on Chinese social media and web sites. So please keep it in mind when communicating in written form. Here is a summarised list:
  • “Winnie the Pooh” (小熊维尼)
  • “Disney” (迪士尼)
  • “Ten thousand years” (万岁), which is China’s way of saying: “Long live!” or “Viva!”
  • “Disagree” (不同意)
  • “Shameless” (不要脸)
  • “Lifelong” (终身)
  • “Personality cult” (个人崇拜)
  • “Immortality” (长生不老)
A 昆明狼狗 (Kūnmíng wolfdog) yawns during a training exercise demonstration for the media at the Correctional Services Department (CSD) Dog Unit Headquarters in 香港 (Hong Kong), China. Photo: AFP/Anthony Wallace.

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