Sunday, March 18, 2018

Colour theory

On the occasion of her modeling day at the Tmall Club | Dove stand in 上海 (Shànghǎi), China on Sunday, March 11, 2018, Diving Queen 吴敏霞 (Wú Mǐnxiá) wanted to dispel the myth of whiteness equal to beauty. “That’s a heavy yoke for women and must be overturned”, she said. “Nobody is perfect, your shortcomings can be used in your favour. If you accept yourself, you’ll be more beautiful”. Then she showed her scar beneath the knee, a legacy from her sports days. It injured her not only physically, but also emotionally. “I thought I could no longer wear a skirt”, she said. But then she understood that that “sign” was only telling her story and her will to live, and that accepting it was the only way to move forward. All Photos: Tmall Club/Dove.

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