Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Learning to Swim

Sit cisterna mihi, quam vinea, malo Ravennae,
cum possim multo vendere pluris aquam.

Your tanks for me, Ravenna, not your vines;
The waters I can sell, but not the wines.

Meglio avere a Ravenna un pozzo, e non già una vigna,
perché l’acqua la posso vendere a molto di più.

Martial, Epigrams, Book 3, LVI
English translation by A. L. Francis and H. F. Tatum
Italian translation by Giuseppe Lipparini

A keeper gives medical care training to Yangtze finless porpoises at the 长江 (Yangtze River) dolphin aquarium of the Institute of Hydrobiology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 武汉 (Wǔhàn), 湖北省 (Húběi province), China. Photo: 肖艺九 (Xiào Yìjiǔ)/新华社 (Xīnhuá News Agency)/Barcroft Images.

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