Sunday, December 16, 2018

Eight reindeer

Empta domus fuerat tibi, Tongiliane, ducentis:
abstulit hanc nimium casus in urbe frequens.
Conlatum est deciens. Rogo, non potes ipse uideri
incendisse tuam, Tongiliane, domum?

You had bought a house, Tongilianus,
For two hundred thousand sesterces:
An accident too common in the city destroyed it.
A milion was subscribed.
I ask you, are you not open to the suspicion, Tongilianus,
Of having yourself set fire to your house?

Martial, Epigrams, Book 3, LII
English translation by Walter C. A. Ker

Dorset, United Kingdom: Chase the Pudding, a 5km race along Weymouth Beach with runners dressed as Santa, took place on Sunday to raise money for a local charity, the Will Mackaness Trust. Photo: Finbarr Webster/Rex/Shutterstock.

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