Tuesday, December 4, 2018

What Dreams May Come

Lotus nobiscum est, hilaris cenavit, et idem
inventus mane est mortus Andragoras.
Tam subitae mortis causam, Faustine, requiris?
In somnis medicum viderat Hermocraten.

He bathed with us, brisk; and he supt with us, gay;
Next morn, with the dead Athenagoras lay.
The cause do you claim of a sudden transition?
In sleep he Hermocrates saw, the physician.

Prese il bagno con noi, allegro cenò, e tuttavia
Andràgora stamane l’hanno trovato morto.
Vuoi sapere, o Faustino, di sì rapida morte la causa?
In sogno avea veduto Ermòcrate, il dottore.

Martial, Epigrams, Book 6, LIII
English translation by James Elphinston
Italian translation by Giuseppe Lipparini

South Korean illusion artist Dain Yoon (윤다인) joined Vincent van Gogh in his 1889 “Self-Portrait”. Photo: Dain Yoon (@designdain).

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