Saturday, January 5, 2019

Atlas and the Hesperides

Sardonychas, zmaragdos, adamantas, iaspidas uno
versat in articulo Stella, Severe, meus.
Multas in digitis, plures in carmine gemmas
invenies: inde est haec, puto, culta manus.

Sardonyxes, emeralds, diamonds, jaspers, my Stella,
Severus, twists on a single finger.
Many gems will you find on his hands, more in his verse;
Therefrom, methinks, is his hand adorned.

Martial, Epigrams, Book 5, XI
English translation by Walter C. A. Ker

South Korean makeup artist Dain Yoon (윤다인) just waited for the new year to announce her engagement in her own way. Photo: Dain Yoon (@designdain).

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