Friday, January 4, 2019

Black to White

Spectabat modo solus inter omnes
nigris munus Horatius lacernis,
cum plebs et minor ordo maximusque
sancto cum duce candidus sederet.
Toto nix cecidit repente caelo:
albis spectat Horatius lacernis.

Alone among all the rest the other day,
Horatius viewed the show in a black cloack,
Although the common people
And the lower and the highest orders,
Together with our hallowed Chief, sat in white.
From every door of heaven snow suddenly fell:
It is in a white cloack now that Horatius looks on.

Martial, Epigrams, Book 4, II
English translation by Walter C. A. Ker

Banksy, Rude Snowman, 2006. Credit: Artsy.

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