Wednesday, January 16, 2019

“I wept not, I within so turned to stone”

De cathedra quotiens surgis — iam saepe notavi —
pedicant miserae, Lesbia, te tunicae.
Quas cum conata es dextra, conata sinistra
Vellere, cum lacrimis eximis et gemitu:
sic constringuntur gemina Symplegade culi
et nimias intrant cyaneasque natis.
Emendare cupis vitium deforme? docebo:
Lesbia, nec surgas censeo, nec sedeas.

Yours is a classic dilemma, Lesbia;
Whenever you get up from your chair
Your clothes treat you most indecently.
Tugging and talking, with right hand and left
You try to free the yards of cloth swept
Up your fundament. Tears and groans
Are raised to Heaven as the imperilled
Threads are pulled to safety from
Those deadly straits: the huge Symplegades
Of your buttocks grip all that pass.
What should you do to avoid
Such terrible embarrassment? Ask Uncle Val —
Don’t get up, girl, and don’t sit down!

Martial, Epigrams, Book 11, XCIX
English translation by Peter Porter

Pablo Picasso, Dora Maar au Chat (Dora Maar with Cat), 1941. Credit: Wikipedia.

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