Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Morgan le Fay

Sarasadat Khademalsharieh – Jaime Santos Latasa
17th Gibraltar Chess Festival; Catalan Bay, January 29, 2019
2r3k1/p4p1p/3q2p1/3n4/p7/6PP/PQ2PP2/3R2K1 w - - 0 28

Position after 27. ... Nb6xd5

Khademalsharieh somehow managed to survive her uninspired opening play, and, after pseudo-sacrificing a Bishop (27. Bg2xd5), she was now very close to balance, provided she had continued with 28. Qd4(!) Qe6 29. Qxd5 Qxe2 30. Kg2 h5 31. Rd2 Qc4 where Black’s extra Pawn hardly seems to carry any weight. Instead, she runs into a dramatic blunder: 28. e4?? Qb6 0 : 1. It just should be noted that 28. ... Qb4 would have had the same effect.

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