Sunday, February 3, 2019

怪美的 (Ugly Beauty)


垂涎的邪惡 陪我長大
在軟爛中生長 社會營養
過去坑疤的 讓我站穩了
那些神醜的 評誰亂正的
喔 我都笑哭了

這什麼標準 急著決定適者生存
愛我 恨我 非我
有一些外在我 來自內在我

聽誰說 錯的 對的
說美的 醜的
若問我 我看 我說

看不見我的美 是你瞎了眼
稱讚的嘴臉 卻轉身吐口水
審美的世界 誰有膽說那麼絕對
真我 假我 自我 看今天這個我

聽誰說 錯的 對的
說美的 醜的
若問我 我看 我說

看不見我的美 是你瞎了眼
稱讚的嘴臉 卻轉身吐口水
審美的世界 誰有膽說那麼絕對
真我 假我 自我 看今天這個我

聽誰說 錯的 對的
說美的 醜的
若問我 我看 我說

誰來推我一把On to the next one
太婉轉的相處 靈魂拉扯左右為難
想要活得顯耀 回應心中惡之必要

誰說 錯的 對的
說美的 醜的
若問我 我說我呢

Ugly Beauty
蔡依林 (Cài Yīlín aka Jolin Tsai)

I have grown up in the hell
Of what you call society
My past scars made me tough
Who’s drawing the line between beautiful and ugly
Oh, I laugh and cry at the same time

Who has the right to judge whether or not one is cool
Love myself, hate myself, deny myself
My outside comes from my inside

Who says what’s wrong and what isn’t
Who’s beautiful and who’s ugly
If you ask me, I’d call myself
An ugly beauty

If you do not see my beauty it is because you’re blind
You praise my face, you mock me behind my back
Who has the right to set absolute aesthetic standards
My true self, my false self, my self as I look today
Which me do you want

Who says what’s wrong and what isn’t
Who’s beautiful and who’s ugly
If you ask me, I’d call myself
A weird beauty

If you do not see my beauty it is because you’re blind
You praise my face, you mock me behind my back
Who has the right to set absolute aesthetic standards
My true self, my false self, my self as I look today
Which me do you want

Who says what’s wrong and what isn’t
Who’s beautiful and who’s ugly
If you ask me, I’d call myself
An ugly beauty

Who will push me on to new heights
Too many moral burdens can take one’s breath off
Say what you want, you won’t hurt me
Too much politeness may induce insecurity
I fill myself with both dark and bright energy
Both beauty and ugliness are a human matter
No matter if you love me or hate me
I don’t need your hypocrite’s embrace
A worthy life contemplates both yīn and yáng

Who says what’s wrong and what isn’t
Who’s beautiful and who’s ugly
If you ask me, I’d call myself
A weird beauty

(Free translation by Nobody’s Perfect)

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