Friday, April 12, 2019

Once Below a Time

Marina Gajčin – Aleksandra Yuryevna Goryachkina
20th European Individual Women’s Chess Championship; Antalya, April 12, 2019
5r2/4k3/2p1p3/5p1P/3P2n1/5K2/4R3/1B6 b - - 1 56

Position after 56. Rf2-e2

The top seed’s tribulations also continued throughout her second round game. After many uncertain oscillations, she finally got a Rook and Knight vs. Rook and Bishop ending with a Pawn to the good. Sure, it would have taken extreme accuracy to cash it into a win, but after the cumbersome 56. ... Rf6? the game inevitably moved towards a draw. No doubt 56. ... Kf6 57. Ba2 e5 gave Black, if not absolute certainties, at least much better chances to exploit her extra Pawn. 57. Kf4 Nh6 58. Rg2 Nf7 59. Bc2 Rh6 60. Bd1 Rh8 61. Bf3 Rd8 62. Ke3 Rd6 63. Rc2 e5 64. dxe5 Nxe5 65. Bg2 Kf6 66. Rc5 Re6 67. Kd4 f4 68. Rc3 f3 69. Bxf3 Nxf3+ 70. Rxf3+ Kg5 ½ : ½.

Marina Gajčin (right) vs. Aleksandra Yuryevna Goryachkina (left). Photo: Turkish Chess Federation.

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