Friday, April 19, 2019

The Praiser

Garris in aurem semper omnibus, Cinna,
garrire et illud teste quod licet turba.
rides in aurem, quereris, arguis, ploras,
cantas in aurem, iudicas, taces, clamas,
adeoque penitus sedit hic tibi morbus,
ut saepe in aurem, Cinna, Caesarem laudes.

You are always chattering in everybody’s ear, Cinna,
And even what one may chatter with the crowd listening.
You laugh in the ear, grumble, make accusations, complain;
You sing in the ear, give opinions, are silent, shout.
And so deep-seated is this malady of yours

That often ’tis in the ear, Cinna, you speak Caesar’s praise.

Martial, Epigrams, Book 1, LXXXIX
English translation by Walter C. A. Ker

Niloufar Banisadr, Voiles au Vents – Sexy Window Montage. Courtesy of 55Bellechasse Gallery.

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