Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Counting Up, Counting Down

Mariya Olehivna Muzychuk – Alexandra Konstantinovna Kosteniuk
1st IMSA World Masters Women’s Rapid Chess Championship (15+10); 衡水 (Héngshuǐ), May 15, 2019
1b2rk2/1P3p1p/5p2/8/6Q1/1q3N1P/6P1/2R4K w - - 15 37

Position after 36. ... Kg7-f8

After missing some easier wins earlier, Muzychuk’s focus finally slips into a melodramatic nemesis: 37. Nd4? Playing too naturally, without suspecting anything from her opponent. Instead after 37. Qd7! Back wouldn’t have had a good reply to the threat of Rc1-c8; for instance: 37. ... Qe6 38. Qxe6 fxe6 39. Rc8 Ke7 40. Nd4 winning easily if prosaically. 37. ... Qc3! What a turnaround! Objectively speaking, Kosteniuk’s flashy Queen sacrifice (Her Majesty being untouchable: 38. Rxc3?? Re1 mate) doesn’t lead to any forced win, but, from both a practical and psychological standpoint, it must have sounded to Muzychuk like a requiem. 38. Qd1! Qg3! 39. Nf3 Re3! 40. Rc8+ Kg7 41. Rc4! h5! 42. Kg1?? And suddenly White crashes down! Probably best was 42. Rc8! Rxf3 43. Rxb8! Rb3 (idem to say 43. ... Rf2 44. Qg1 Rb2) with a draw in sight. 42. ... Rxf3!−+ 43. Rc8. 43. Qxf3 Qe1+ 44. Qf1 Ba7+ is only a delay to the inevitable mate. 43. ... Qh2 mate.

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