Tuesday, May 14, 2019

One Time Blind

Valentina Evgenyevna Gunina – Alexandra Konstantinovna Kosteniuk
1st IMSA World Masters Women’s Rapid Chess Championship (15+10); 衡水 (Héngshuǐ), May 14, 2019
r5k1/p4pp1/2p2r2/3q1PQp/8/1P5P/P5P1/2R2R1K b - - 1 28

Position after 28. Qg3-g5

Thanks to her fourth round win over Alexandra Konstantinovna Kosteniuk, Valentina Evgenyevna Gunina managed to close the first day of the 1st IMSA World Masters Women’s Rapid Chess Championship tying for first place with Zhansaya Daniyarovna Abdumalik, Nana Dzagnidze, and Mariya Olehivina Muzychuk. However, she needed Kosteniuk’s help more than Caïssa’s blessing. After White’s 28th move, the position in the diagram was reached. No doubt Gunina’s last move (Qg3-g5) was a bad mistake that should have lost her the game immediately. Instead, Kosteniuk blindly returned the courtesy with 28. ... Re8?? dropping a Pawn (29. Qxh5) and eventually losing the game as well (Kosteniuk resigned on the 55th move). Under other circumstances, however, it would not seem too difficult to spot 28. ... Rg6! which forces the gain of the Queen with an easy win for Black.

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