Wednesday, May 1, 2019

The Canterbury Puzzles
Magnus Carlsen, the world champion, has just won his third elite tournament in a row in zestful style and is close to breaking his own all-time records for exceptional performance.
The Norwegian, 28, took first prize at this week’s Germany’s Grenke Classic with an unbeaten 7.5/9, following on from his victories at Tata Steel Wijk aan Zee, Netherlands, in January and at Shamkir, Azerbaijan, last month.
Carlsen’s performance rating has surged to [2875], only seven points below his official monthly peak set in 2014 and 14 below his unofficial daily high. His next classical tournament will be Altibox Norway on home ground in Stavanger in June, and with a calculated target of 6.5/9 to break the record there he has excellent chances. [Read more].

Ancient Chinese Puzzle
Henry Ernest Dudeney, 1907
1k6/8/RKR5/8/8/8/8/8 w - - 1 1

White to play and mate in 3, moving each of his three pieces once, and once only. Click here for solution.

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