Tuesday, May 21, 2019

The Importance of Not Being Arcovazzi

Felicem fieri credis me, Zoile, cena?
Felicem cena, Zoile, deinde tua?
Debet Aricino conviva recumbere clivo,
quem tua felicem, Zoile, cena facit.

D’ye think I am made happy, Zoilus, by a dinner?
Happy by a dinner, Zoilus, and — above all — by yours?
That guest should lie at his meals on Aricia’s slope

Whom your dinner, Zoilus, makes happy.

Martial, Epigrams, Book 2, XIX
English translation by Walter C. A. Ker

A visitor photographs an artwork by Chinese artist 劉勃麟 (Liú Bólín), whose solo exhibitionon “Visible Invisible” is on display at the Museum of Cultures (Mudec) in Milan, Italy until September 15, 2019. Photo: AFP.

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