Tuesday, July 2, 2019

紐約,紐約 (New York, New York)

Some of the technology-related topics 逸凡 (Yìfán) has studied this year include issues like the 华为 (Huáwèi) case and the implications of state-owned media. “These topics are hugely relevant to me and I feel that I’ve gained a more objective view from exploring them on the course. I can now consider things not only from my own viewpoint as a Chinese citizen, but also from, for example, a Western angle. I’ve gained new perspectives in terms of geopolitics and a new understanding of the technological debate that underpins the political one”.
逸凡 (Yìfán) will be heading to New York for her summer project, working in the field of artificial intelligence and public health. “As someone with no previous internship experience, the summer project is a great opportunity for me to get some work experience and apply what I’ve learnt over the past year. I’m keeping an open mind about the main policy area I’d ultimately like to pursue, so the summer project is the perfect length of time to get an idea of whether working in public health policy is something I want to take further”. [Read more].

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