Monday, July 29, 2019

Under One Umbrella

In its first press conference since 1997, 北京 (Běijīng)’s 国务院港澳事务办公室 (Hong Kong and Macau Affairs Office) rhetorically condemned the last mass rallies in 香港 (Hong Kong), which, according to the Celestial Empire’s analysts, have been inspired by only a “few radicals”, who deserve an exemplary punishment, in conformity with the “rule of law” (but not mandatorily with Chinese characteristics). On the other hand, the renewal of the trust in 香港 (Hong Kong)’s police, accompanied by a promise not to interfere in their autonomy, as well as 北京 (Běijīng)’s very indignant denial of having masterminded triad gangs’ “punishment expeditions” against civil society people, can be taken as encouraging signs by all Hongkongers. Finally, the public praise of “One country, two systems”’s Chief Executive 林鄭月娥 (Carrie Lam), the stronglady who vainly attempted to open the 秦城监狱 (Qínchéng Prison) doors to all her fellow country people, may at last appear as a narrow escape for her herself. After all, had her extradition bill passed, in conformity with the “rule of law with Chinese characteristics”, the 秦城 (Qínchéng) gates could have opened for her too. Photo: AFP.

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