Sunday, August 4, 2019


Most popular Russian web site informs that 12th World Chess Champion Anatoly Yevgenyevich Karpov was denied the U.S. visa he needed to physically attend the Karpov Summer Camp at Chess Max Academy — the school ran and operated by Grandmaster Maxim Dlugy — from July 29, 2019 – August 2, 2019 in New York, United States where he has been a regular guest since two years ago. Russian State Duma deputy Karpov, who had always been persona grata in the United States (so far), applied for a visa in the early days of last March, but this time he did not apparently manage to convince the U.S. Department of State that chess was the only purpose of his journey. Thus, he ended up giving his lessons through Skype. For further details visit:

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