Friday, August 30, 2019

Words and Pictures

Four-time Women’s World Chess Champion and Rhodes Scholar 侯逸凡 (Hóu Yìfán) playing mixed doubles with 余泱漪 (Yú Yāngyī) on their triumphant way through the 2019 深圳 (Shēnzhèn) 罗湖 (Luōhú) All-Star Chess Tournament at the Sunshine Hotel in 深圳 (Shēnzhèn), China. Photo: 梁自明 (Liáng Zìmíng)/新华社 (Xīnhuá News Agency).

梁自明 (Liáng Zìmíng)’s pictorial and narrative report of the 2019 深圳 (Shēnzhèn) 罗湖 (Luōhú) All-Star Chess Tournament — with pictures of the all-stars by haute couture — is freely available online at Photo collage: 梁自明 (Liáng Zìmíng).

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