Monday, September 30, 2019

Clash of the Generations

Sophia DeGregorio – 侯逸凡 (Hóu Yìfán)
16-board clock simultaneous exhibition; New York, September 17, 2019
Sicilian Defence B23

1. e4 c5 2. Nc3 Nc6 3. f4 g6 4. Nf3 Bg7 5. Bc4 e6 6. d3 a6 7. 0-0 Nge7 8. Qe1 b5 9. Bb3 0-0. A relatively dated game continued: 9. ... Nd4 10. Nxd4 cxd4 11. Ne2 f5 12. Qf2 fxe4 13. dxe4 Bb7 14. Nxd4 Bxe4 15. Bxe6 Qb6 16. Be3 dxe6 17. Nf5 Qc6 18. Nxg7+ Kf7 19. Bd4 Rad8 20. Nxe6 Qxe6 21. Bxh8 Rxh8 22. Rfe1 Re8 23. Re2 Nd5 24. Rae1 Nf6 25. Qd4 Re7 with an uncertain dynamic equilibrium, Arencibia Rodríguez – Ricardi, 32nd Chess Olympiad, Yerevan 1996.
10. Qh4 d5 11. f5 exf5?! Not 11. ... dxe4? because of 12. Ng5! h6 13. f6! hxg5 14. Bxg5 Nf5 15. Rxf5! gxf5 (Mukhutdinov – Guerra Rivera, 38th World Youth Chess Championship U-16, Porto Carras 2018) and now 16. Bd5! wins on the spot (for if 16. ... exd5 then 17. fxg7+−). Best is 11. ... gxf5 12. exd5 exd5 13. a3 (here White could and should seek something better) 13. ... c4 14. dxc4 dxc4 15. Ba2 Ng6 with great advantage to Black, Senador – Antonio, Asian Zone 3.2a Championship, Manila 2001.
12. Bh6? (12. Nxd5)
12. ... fxe4? (12. ... dxe4)
13. dxe4 Nf5? (13. ... c4 14. Ng5 f6 15. Bxg7 fxg5 16. Qh6 Rf5!∓)
14. exf5 Qxh4 15. Nxh4 Bxh6? 16. Bxd5 Bb7 17. fxg6 hxg6 18. Nxg6 b4 19. Ne4 Rfd8 20. Bxf7+. Basically, there’s nothing wrong with this, but 20. Rxf7 Rxd5 21. Rxb7+− was probably simpler and easier.
20. ... Kg7 21. Rae1 Rd7 22. Be6 Rc7 23. Rf3 Kxg6

24. Nxc5?? The youngster misses her glory: 24. Rg3+ Kh7 (24. ... Kh5 25. Nf6+ Kh4 26. Rg4#) 25. Nf6+ Kh8 26. Rh3 Kg7 27. Nd5+−.
24. ... Nd4 25. Rg3+ Kh7 26. Nxb7 Re8 27. Nd6 Rxe6 28. Rxe6 Nxe6 29. Rh3 Nf4 30. Rh4 Kg6

31. Ne4?? The only move was 31. Rg4+! and if 31. ... Kh5 then 32. Rg8 Rxc2 33. Nf5 (Δ g2-g4#) 33. ... Ng6 34. g4+ Kg5 35. h4+ Kf6 36. Nxh6 Nxh4 37. g5+ Ke5 38. g6 Rxb2 39. g7 Kf6 with a draw.
31. ... Rxc2−+ 32. Rg4+ Kf5 33. Rg8 Kxe4 34. Re8+ Kd4 35. Rd8+ Nd5 36. Rd6 Be3+ 37. Kf1 Rf2+ 38. Ke1 Rxg2 39. Rd7 Rxb2 40. Kd1 Kc4 41. Ke1 Nc3 42. Kf1 Rf2+ 43. Kg1 Rd2+ 0 : 1.

Clash of the generations. Photo: Her Move Next.

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