Tuesday, October 22, 2019

A cast for a crown

According to malevolent gossip, the Chinese government is reportedly thinking to replace 香港 (Hong Kong)’s Chief Executive, 林鄭月娥 (Carrie Lam), with a new interim Chief Executive following the five-month mass protests against her administration.

“I arrived in 東京 (Tokyo), Japan, to attend Emperor 令和天皇 (Naruhito)’s enthronement ceremony. During my absence, Chief Secretary for Administration, 張建宗 (Matthew Cheung Kin-chung), will be acting as Chief Executive”, 林鄭月娥 (Carrie Lam) tweeted on Sunday, October 20, 2019. Photo: 林鄭月娥 Carrie Lam (@carrielam_hksar).

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