Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Si duo dicunt idem, non est idem

Declamas in febre, Maron: hanc esse phrenesin
si nescis, non es sanus, amice Maron.
Declamas aeger, declamas hemitritaeos:
si sudare aliter non potes, est ratio.
“Magna tamen res est”. Erras; cum viscera febris
exurit, res est magna tacere, Maron.

You declaim in a fever, Maron;
If you don’t know that this is frenzy,
You are not sane, friend Maron.
You declaim when you are ill, 

You declaim in a semitertian:
If otherwise you can’t perspire,
There is some reason in it.
“Yet it is a great thing”.
You are wrong; when fever burns up your vitals
’Tis a great thing to hold your tongue, Maron.

Martial, Epigrams, Book 4, LXXX
English translation by Walter C. A. Ker

Johan Swanepoel, Girl With Umbrella And Falling Feathers, 2015. Photo © Johan Swanepoel/Fine Art America.

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