Sunday, March 8, 2020

Youth and Life

Sheila A. Jackson – Artur Mayakovich Jussupow
8th World Senior Team Chess Championship 50+; Prague, March 6, 2020
3rr1k1/1p2qbpp/p7/5pP1/3Np2P/2PnB3/PP2QP2/K2R3R w - - 0 25

Position after 24. ... f6-f5

If nothing else, the 8th World Senior Team Chess Championship currently underway at the Olympik Tristar Hotel in Prague, Czech Republic should serve as an example of how to live without fear. In the position of the diagram, Woman Grandmaster Sheila A. Jackson parried Black’s powerful threat of ... f5-f4 with an energetic Pawn sacrifice: 25. g6! hxg6 26. Bg5 Qc5 27. Bxd8 Qc4 28. Nb3 Qa4 29. Rxd3?? Only because of an unexpected blunder on the part of Jackson, Artur Mayakovich Jussupow can claim victory. Correct was 29. Kb1! Rxd8 30. Nc1! Qa5!∞ with a precarious dynamic balance. 29. ... Bxb3−+ 30. a3 exd3 31. Qxd3 Bc4 32. Qd1 Qxd1+ 33. Rxd1 Bb3 0 : 1. White loses a piece.

Last February 13 Jussupow, the superstar of the German team “Lasker Schachstiftung GK”, celebrated his 60th birthday. Photo: Vladimír Jágr.

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